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Monday, 9 July 2018
< Blend Space >
it's a new thing to learn. Thank you Prof Aziah introducing this kind of techno savvy to us 😇
here i attach too the link of my group blend space using tes teach.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter purposed
on the procedures and methodology used to conduct this research. It is included
the research design, population and sampling, research instrument, data
collections and the data analysis. A
description on how the data analysis was used in assessing trainee
teacher’s readiness and challenge towards teaching practice also was describe
in this chapter.
3.2 Research design
The research design
used in this study was quantitative in nature. This research focused on UiTM
trainee teacher readiness towards becoming a teacher. The data obtained through
the use of questionnaire.
3.3 Research method
This research used a
descriptive research method. This technique used where the data was collected,
gathered and analyzed. This research purpose was to get information about the
trainee teacher’s readiness before and after teaching practice. It was also
used to know the challenges faced during their practicum session and the needs
of improvement that were need to overcome the problems they encountered in
teaching practice. This survey method that was used in this research applies on
questionnaire to obtain the data.
3.4 Population and Sample
The target population
of this research was full time of education students in semester 7 and semester
8 of Faculty of Education. The survey was given to these respondents because
they were already undergoing their teaching practice in school. These students
of Faculty of Education undergo their course in UiTM Puncak Alam.
3.5 Instrumentation
This research was used a quantitative
research that is a questionnaire as an instrument. The questionnaire is
self-constructed and not adapt to any sources. However, some of items in this
questionnaire were being modified twice and few of it is excluded after
reliability analysis test. From the population that was mention above, 30
students were selected as respondents for a pilot study. This research was
basically conducting a pilot study first for reliability purpose. Besides that, the instrument are well ready
after conducted a pilot study for students of Faculty of Education in each
courses and it’s about 180 respondents were involve in answering of 85 items.
Each of items acceptability getting through reliability and validity by using
the “SPLITT-HALF” Reliability model and within IBM Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) software Version 23. The instrument that was used in this research
is a questionnaire. The instrument has drafted and attached in appendices.
The questionnaire
purpose was to fulfill all the research objectives which is first research
question is to measure the level of readiness among UiTM trainee teachers on
teaching practice and also second research objective; to investigate trainee
teachers teaching related abilities during practicum, the third research
objective is to identify the trainee teacher’s challenges encountered during
teaching practice and the last one the fourth research objective is to
investigate the needs of trainee teachers.
The questionnaire
consists of several sections which are Section A, Section B and Section C with
85 questions in total. The sections are section A: demographic background,
section B (RQ 1): What are trainee teachers’ general readiness to teach prior
to practicum, (RQ 2): What are teaching related abilities during practicum,
Section C (RQ 3): What are the trainee teachers’ challenges encountered during
teaching practice? And (RQ 4): What are the needs of trainee teachers?
Section A: Demographic Background
Wyse (2012), demographic
background is about the particular characteristics of respondents. This
section; Section A: Demographic background consists of 5 items. The demographic
background is focused on these five items which are gender, part, program, name
of school and CGPA.
Three items which are
gender, part and program are using close format question which means the list
of answers already provided and respondents just need to choose only one
option. On another hand, another two items which are name of school and CGPA
apply open format question which means that the answer is not provided thus
respondents have to fill it themselves. The example of one open format question
and one close format questions are as follows:
2. AGE: __________
Item 1 above is the
example of close format questions and item 2 shows the example of close format
questions. Section B (RQ
1): What are the level of general readiness UiTM trainee teacher’s towards teaching practice?
There are 64 items in
Section B which aims to measure the level of general readiness among UiTM
trainee teachers towards teaching practice. Respondents need to answer the
side-to-side matrix – scale between 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
However, these items
was divide into several aspects which are Section B, Part A on general
readiness before teaching practice (item 1 to item 18), Part B teaching-related
readiness before teaching practice (item 19 to item 46) and Section C:
Challenges encountered during teaching practice (item 47 to 61) and two items
of open-ended question. Section B (RQ 2): What are trainee teachers’ teaching related abilities during practicum? Section B (RQ 2): What are trainee teachers’ teaching related abilities during practicum?
Items in Section B in
Part b (RQ 2) there are 46 items. This part purpose is to fulfill the second
research objective which is to investigate trainee teachers teaching related
abilities during practicum. Respondents also need to answer the side-to-side
matrix - scale between range 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. This
section exposed more about 21st century learning skills knowledge. Section B (RQ 3): What are trainee teachers’ challenges during teaching practice?
Items in Section B in Part b (RQ 2) there are 14 items. This part purpose is to fulfill the third research objective which is to identify the trainee teachers’ challenges encountered teaching practice. Respondents also need to answer the side-to-side matrix between 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Section B (RQ 3): What are trainee teachers’ challenges during teaching practice?
Items in Section B in Part b (RQ 2) there are 14 items. This part purpose is to fulfill the third research objective which is to identify the trainee teachers’ challenges encountered teaching practice. Respondents also need to answer the side-to-side matrix between 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
Challenges that are being
focus in this section are divided into two aspects which are working inside
classroom and working with others.
Examples of items are
as follows;
3.5.2 Research Question 4: Open-ended question
Open ended question
was posed to respondents to know their opinion and views on what are aspects
that need to improve for the teaching practice before they undergo practicum
session and the needs of trainee teachers that a faculty can help in order to
increase the readiness.
Examples of items are;
1. What are the
aspects that you feel you still need improvement before your teaching stint in
2. How can faculty
3.6 Instrument’s validity and reliability
The instruments used
in this study first had been validated by a research supervisor who is a
lecturer from Faculty of Education, UiTM Puncak Alam. Some of the items were
corrected through the process of validation based on the suggestions of the
instrument’s validator.
For validity and
reliability of the instrument, pilot test will be conducted to seek the
Cronbach’s Alpha value and the questionnaire will forward to the experts in the
field. The acceptance level of Cronbach‟s Alpha values as shows in the table
Cronbach’s Alpha
Internal Consistency / Reliability
> 0.9 / >0.9
/ Very highly reliable
≤ a < 0.9 / 0.8-0.9
/ Highly reliable
0.6 ≤
a < 0.7 / 0.70-0.79
/ Reliable
0.5 ≤
a < 0.6 / 0.60-0.69
Marginally minimally reliable
< 0.5 / <0.60
/ Unacceptably low reliability
Sources from Lee Cronbach (1951)
1: Shows the Cronbach‟s
Alpha Values and Internal Consistency
Next, the data
obtained from the questionnaire was running using Cronbach Alpha analyzed in
order to know the consistency reliability of items. Based on the test, the
result for the reliability for the overall instrument is 0.883 which indicates
the instrument was reliable to measure respondents’ response in answering the
3.7: Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized Items
N of items
Table 3.7 shows the
Cronbach’s Alpha for overall items used in questionnaire
Later, data obtains
from questionnaire were analyzed. Finally, all the results obtained and
analyzed into the report and study was completed.
1.1 Data collection
Data collection will be set up at Faculty of Academic Contemporary
Islamic Studies (ACIS) in UiTM Shah Alam. The questionnaires will distribute to
the respondents in the class according to the cohort. Verbal explaining will
give to the respondents on the purpose of the study, confidentiality and
consent. Participant also will be informing of the right to participate or not
to participate in the study. They will also brief explain about how to complete
the questionnaire. The participants will need to answer the questionnaire immediately.
15 minute to 20 minutes will be allocating to the participant to answer the
questionnaire. Participant will advise to clarify any ambiguity on the spot.
3.8 Data analysis procedures
Generally, all the data gather from the questionnaires
that will collect and evaluated using the Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS) version 18. By using this software, a lot of time can be saved
as it helps the researcher by just keying in the data and the data will be
automatically processed and the results instantly tabulated. Afterward, the
data will analyze to see whether the results correlate with the research
objectives. Then researcher will make conclusion within recommendation based on
the analysis.
The questionnaires consist of three section, which
section A (demographic data of the respondents), Section B, Part A (General
Readiness Dimension) and Part B (RTeaching-related readiness) and Section C
(Challenges Encountered during Teaching Practice). Section A consists of items
pertaining to the demographic characteristic of the respondent and data will
calculate and presented in the frequency table. For the section B and C likert
scale test questionnaire will be use that start from scale 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Marks will be allocate and code according to selection
of respondents. The test will use for each of research objectives as showed in
the table below.
Data Analysis
1. To find out trainee teachers’ general readiness to
teach prior to practicum.
Section B
Part A
Questions 1 – 18
(Dimension of general readiness)
2. To investigate
trainee teachers’ teaching skills abilities during practicum
Part B
Questions 19 – 46
Mean and Standard
(Dimension of teaching-related readiness)
3. To identify trainee teachers’ challenges encountered
during teaching practice
Part C
Question 47-61
Mean and Standard
(Dimension of challenges
encountered during teaching practice)
4. To investigate the
needs of trainee teachers to undergo teaching practice
Section C
Mean and Standard
(Dimension of the needs of
trainee teachers to undergo teaching practice)
Table 2 : Shows the research objectives
and data analysis will use to conduct the study
3.9 Summary
Overall, this chapter, researcher will choose Faculty of
Education in UiTM Puncak Alam. This research will choose quantitative
descriptive study and probability simple random sampling strategy technique.
The sample will involve all the undergraduates Bachelor of Education and survey
questionnaires will use as the main instrument to collect data in this study.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Chapter 3 Composition
for chapter 3, we are learning about a research design. There are few types of design of research, ie descriptive, experimental, correlation, causal comparative, ethnographic, grounded theory, narrative, mixed-method and action research.
´A population is a group of individuals
that comprise the same characteristics
´A sample is a sub-group of the target
population that the researcher plans to study
literally for my study, I've been doing :
population: UiTM Shah Alam student
sample: student of faculty education
literally for my study, I've been doing :
population: UiTM Shah Alam student
sample: student of faculty education
types of sampling: simple random sampling
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Research FAQs Video!
oh btw, before I forgot this is the video from Prof Aziah that she was upload in I-learn for week 4 just because we don't have a learning session in the class like usual. How thoughtful she is as our professor !
This video is about a guideline for your research concern from your variables construction, hypothesis, problem statement, research questions and objectives, basically your Chapter 1 composition.
and then, Prof Aziah also has explaining about research approach for the research design. for example, it is very important to have these three components for your research problem. 1) concern 2) context 3) corroboration
Literature Review Process:
Step 1: Identify keywords
Step 2: Summarize and Literature Map
Step 3: Synthesize (eg: you made it only 2 sentences from 4 articles about the research context)
Step 4: Relate and frame it with our study
here is the video, Enjoy!💝💝
2.1 Introduction
this particular chapter; findings, theories, previous researches and review of
literature related to the readiness and challenges in teaching practice and
trainee teachers will be discussed in details.
Trainee Teacher
The findings of this study reflect
on the readiness of trainee teachers towards teaching practice. Hence, the
findings will be made known to the trainee teachers and help trainee teachers
to assess their level of readiness towards teaching practice. They will be more
aware of their level of readiness and prepare themselves better. Therefore, it
will improve the effectiveness in the aspect of teaching and learning session.
This study specifically focusing on
trainee teachers instead of teachers in services because of the main objective
of this study is to measure the level of readiness of trainee teachers toward
teaching practice and challenges faced by trainees as well. Studying the
readiness of trainee teachers can reflects better on the preparedness in teaching
practice compare to teacher in services based on measuring their understanding,
challenges faced. Joshi & Chugh (2009) highlighted teachers need to be able
comprehend with knowledge from general to complex such as communication skills
as the basic knowledge to problem-solving skills.
2.3 Readiness to
is important action need to be used to highlight on the importance of
preparation towards effectiveness in teaching context. Effectiveness teaching
can lead teacher to become effective in their teaching. One must be proficient
to become an effective teacher as according to these following aspects:
Content knowledge
knowledge in subject matter gives a big impact for an effectiveness of
“ In 1992, the Department
of Education and Science (DES) commissioned a discussion paper by Alexander,
Rose and Woodhead which stated that good subject teaching depends on teachers
knowledge, skills and understanding in the subject concerned… subject knowledge
is a critical factor at every point in the teaching process… Problems may stem
from weakness in teachers subject knowledge and understanding” (Madwell)
The knowledge of teacher can be
branched into two elements which are subject content and educational content.
It’s important for the teacher to empower the knowledge of subject matter first
before become as a teacher; it is a core for every teacher to teach the
subject. Thus, Ausubel (1968) has been claimed that what is the most important
thing for students to take as experiences in learning is they know what they
are taught by a teacher. (Wray, 1968)
For another reason of the content of
knowledge is very important in teaching and learning because it can help to
avoid student’s misunderstanding and misconception of the lesson. According to
Rumelhart (1980), he stated that teachers play important role need and to find
a way to take account the knowledge and ideas of children in order to maximise
children’s learning (Fox, 1968) . In addition, the
most important key to oppose the niche of misunderstanding one must have a deep
knowledge and depth nature of understanding concept first as highlighted by
Kimberly & Deborah. It also has been claimed from Grant Wiggins and Jay
McTighe (1998),
“To successfully
engineer understanding, educators have to be able to describe what it looks
like, how it manifests itself, and how apparent understanding (or
misunderstanding) differs from genuine understanding” (Allen,
Furthermore, teachers also should
update and have knowledge in terms of educational knowledge. Educational
knowledge is things that related to curriculum of education itself. Why it is
important for teachers to have knowledge on the curriculum itself? The
curriculum help teachers to get know about arrangement of content on subject
matter and it also provides guidance for teachers to know about the syllabus
and content they should teach according to time duration. Then, the teachers
will know how far they should teach about the content and knowledge. This is
important for teachers to look and identify students’ development and progress
towards the subject knowledge. According to Intern report (2007), teachers need
to use curriculum in teaching to allow them see student’s progress in learning
from stage by stage. It highlighted that, educational knowledge context very
important for teachers to look upon as the guidance thus to apply in teaching
and learning as it can assist teachers to assess student’s achievement towards
subject knowledge. As according to Milne (1999) highlighted a teacher should
really have a deep understanding about the subject knowledge in order to
implement several of teaching strategies. Thus, we can see it is correlated
between element of content subject and teaching strategies.
2.3.2 Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
In teaching profession, content
knowledge only is not enough in preparing teachers in teaching context. To
compare and contrast, pedagogical content knowledge refers to how effectively
teach a particular discipline while subject matter knowledge refers in particular
of teachers’ knowledge of subject matter.
Shulman (1986) proposed the idea of
Pedagogical Content Knowledge where he suggested pedagogy and the knowledge on
subject matter must not be treated as mutually exclusive.
“Shulman (1986)
argued for Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the content knowledge that deals
with the teaching process including the way of representing and formulating the
subject that make it comprehensible to others” (content
knowledge for teaching)
Pedagogical content knowledge can be
represented by figure 2:
“Figure 2: The Two
Circles of Pedagogical Knowledge & Content Knowledge Are Now Joined by
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. (Cited from Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler
(2006))” (koehler)
Pedagogical content knowledge have two additional components which is
completed the knowledge by Kathryn (1997) (F) . The first two of
the component is teachers’ knowledge of student which includes:
Abilities and
learning strategies
Ages and
development level
Prior knowledge of
the concept to be taught
Teachers’ knowledge on physical environment, political, social and
cultural is elements that involves the next component which students are
required to learn in.
According to past studies, trainee teachers have the lack of experience;
they may have a surface level of PCK only. Thus, PCK aspect needs to be
stressed on during the preparation of trainees. (Carpenter, Fennema, Petersen,
& Carey, 1988; Feiman-Nemser & Parker, 1990; Gudmundsdottir &
Shulman, 1987; Shulman, 1987). (Mohammed, 2015)
Kathryn (1997) has claimed that Pedagogical Content Knowledge can be
learned from a sharing session and exchanging of pedagogical content knowledge
that has already obtained with another teacher. This will encourage teachers
and enable one to apply a variety of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in teaching.
2.3.3 Skills or
knowledge about learners
In teaching, trainees must have a certain skills and knowledge in order
to assist them for a better learning session and towards becoming an effective
teacher. Classroom management is one of the most important teaching skills for
effective teaching. In fact, teachers can provide a clear understanding of
lesson to student when the classroom management is good. Thus, this is an
advantage for teachers and students to achieve learning objectives. According
to Evertson, Emmer, & Worsham (2006) effective classroom management provide
an opportunities in children’s learning. However, it’s not easy for teachers to
obtain effective classroom management as there are certain challenges that
restrict teachers to seek upon effective classroom management. Walter Doyle’s
(1986, 2006) highlighted the potentials characteristics for problems with
regards to classroom management. There are six of characteristics, namely
Classroom are multidimensional
Activities occur
Things happen
Event are often
There is little
Classroom have
2.4 Problems and challenges encountered by trainee teachers
During teaching and learning session, teachers
cannot escape from having problems. This acts as challenges for all teachers
especially those who are lack of experience in teaching. Trainee and novice
teachers are the one of people who are commonly exposed to many problems in
teaching due to insufficient of experience, skills and knowledge. According to
Housten and Felder (1982), new teachers first experience in teaching is like to
test whether they surviving or not in teaching profession rather than to seek
personal growth and development. However, only from experience can discover and
help new teachers to learn and reflect of what was lacking in their teaching in
order to improve for better teaching. Like Bryant (2003) was stated that
mistakes in teaching is one of learning progress and learning opportunities.
Teaching program role is very important in
exposing experience in teaching for their trainee teachers. Educational
teaching program must taking care each issues regarding of their trainee
teachers in teaching. Moreover, this will help the Graduate Teaching Program
trace problems and challenges facing by trainees during teaching.
On the other hand, from a previous research
from Noormala binti M. Yunus (1998) most of problems that encountered by new
teachers in teaching is because they are not really prepared to become a
teacher from the beginning (Veenman,
1984) .
2.5 21st century learning skills
“I would rather have a failure story than
share a story of regret. My long-term goal is to form myself to accomplish task
in new ways. This applies to my teaching and learning”
Today we live in a technology and
media-suffused environment with: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2)
rapid changes in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make
individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st
century, citizens and workers must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively
utilize information, media, and technology. Thus, in term of teaching
profession, 21st century learning skills is one of important
evaluation on teaching-related readiness. Integrating technology in a classroom
is one of medium in 21st century learning skills.
On another side, study has been conducted from
previous research demonstrated that integrating computer and technology in
classroom can provide better classroom management and increase positive
attitude of teachers cause of this technology can assist them to conduct a
classroom. As we know, students in millennial era exposed with lots of
technology platform. Thus, they will be more interest on learning with the
technology as a medium of learning. Infodev (2001) defined that every learner
must be ready with every things and new things that always implemented in
teaching and learning process for example technology. Every aspect of teaching
can be different from day a day according to what the changes were occurred.
McConnel International (200) stated that each
learning group must be catered with specific needs thus that important of
readiness assessment in order to give solution and provider of information. In
addition, positive classroom management can be achieved because of their level
of attention increase. This study has been conducted from Shamsiah Mohamed and
Ab. Rahim Bakar (2008) who stated the most trainee teachers obtain positive
attitude from integration of computer in teaching. (Mohamed
& MOHAMED, 2008)
Embed Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) when
teaching allows us to change method and goals of learning, Brisbourne (2012).
It was important aspect in teaching 21st century. In teaching
context, understanding HOTS helps teachers to understand better of
implementation of student’s thinking skills and it also helps the teachers to
adjust teaching strategies and methods as due to response in current education
policy and students’ response. Bad effect of teachers’ fail to understand HOTS
is there will be none of teaching strategies that will work on students. Therefore,
trainee teachers must have knowledge on HOTS and find initiative to improve
level of understanding on HOTS. Thus, HOTS can be implemented effectively on
students in teaching.
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