From the first class of our ELC 550, we have to discuss about a PLAGIARISM. What is plagiarism? yea it must a quite familiar among a student. So as long as we know about the plagiarism i'm sure that everybody having an experience on doing this right? hahahah! In my opinion, I think it quite a normal thing ya know but it may take some risks in a certain places This is because this kind of activity is in a massive way. So there was a plagiarism checker that have been used to detect this activity. It was an unethically attitude cause student will not make a work in their own thoughs and less effort. It harmed the ability to think out, do research and analyze.
So in specific definition, plagiarism is the act of taking another's person writing, journal, article, songs, and everything that have their own author but we are not giving any credit to them. It will be like we are claimed it as our own. Unethically attitude. According to The University of North Carolina, they found a plagiarism defined as the 'deliberate or reckless representation of another's words, thoughts, ideas, as one own's without attribution in connection with submission of academic words. You can go more at . If you check for others sources also they were defined it quite in a same way.
This happened when student make a work at last minute, so they were not having an enough time to think on their own. So the plagiarism is one a short-way solution to finish the assignments. It was fast, ready made in a good sentences, good grammer and they didn't have to reread and review the content. But nowadays with the plagiarism checker, student are no longer invovlve in plagiarism or maybe the numbers are decreased. They know that this activity is just harmed themselves with the less mark that given by lecturer and many others.
hye! Thanks for sharing. n_n